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Prayer requests and praise reports Paul and Lori

Thank you for taking the time to view our Prayer Blogs. On these pages you can read all about Paul and Lori's Prayer Requests and Praise Reports from Paul and Lori Vernon, two missionaries who are living in Northern Thailand and working with the Akha Hilltribe.

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Pray for Gary

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Please join us in prayer for Gary - a fellow Foursquare Missionary here in Thailand. We just received notice from his wife, Paula, that he has been hospitalized. Here is what she wrote:

Please pray for Gary. About 8 hours ago, I took him to the hospital after he developed cold chills, extreme nausea, internal pain, weakness, and fever. His doctor looked at him, then sent him to the Emergency Room, where they did some tests, then checked him into the hospital. I just spoke to 2 of his doctors; one is an Infectious Disease specialist. They are not sure what is wrong with him, but think he may have an "e coli" infection or perhaps another type of blood infection. They have to wait a couple of days for the lab tests to confirm it. His doctor told me it could be a serious situation. Right now, Gary is in the hospital on mega doses of 2 different IV antibiotics. He was a bit delirious earlier, but when I talked to him about 30 minutes ago, he was trying to joke with me, though he was weak and in pain.

Comments on "Pray for Gary"

Blogger keefer said ::

any word on how he's doing?

8:39 PM  

Blogger Unknown said ::

Yes, Gary is out of the hospital. Here is the update he sent us:

"After 5 nights in the safety of a great Bangkok hospital, I was released Sunday afternoon....healed but weak....but more sure of God's protective power than ever!

I wish I could personally come to each of your houses, cook you a meal and spend the evening telling you how much I appreciate your prayers. My inability to do that saves you from having to eat my terrible cooking! But I pray that you will know the power of those prayers you lifted on my behalf. I have never had an experience like this last week (thankfully), but God turned it into a week of blessings FAR surpassing the negative impact of a very dangerous bacteria."

Thanks for your prayers!

10:19 PM  

Unknown says ::