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Prayer and Praise Notes

Prayer requests and praise reports Paul and Lori

Thank you for taking the time to view our Prayer Blogs. On these pages you can read all about Paul and Lori's Prayer Requests and Praise Reports from Paul and Lori Vernon, two missionaries who are living in Northern Thailand and working with the Akha Hilltribe.

Feel free to explore the rest of The Vernon Journal to view our bios, photo galleries, newsletters and a little information on the Akha. Now... on to the posts!

He Answers

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"We should pray more often". That's what Lori said this evening. This morning we looked at what we hoped to do today and between Visa applications at the Thai consulate and hospital visits and spending time with friends and ministry partners we thought we'd be pretty worn out. Our prayer request was simple "Lord, expand our time" - and incredibly we were able to do all we hoped to and still had some downtime this afternoon for rest. Sometimes it really is as simple as "ask" - we should pray more often. On that note, please pray for our health - especially for Lori - as we finish our time here in the States.

Pray for Lori's health

Please pray for Lori. As we have been running around Denver the lack of sleep and the American food seem to have combined with a stomach bug. Pray that she will get the rest she needs and that God would give her health for the remainder of our time in the U.S.

Pray for Aaron

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Many of you have heard by now that Aaron (a friend of ours from Mines days) had surgery yesterday. His appendix had burst and after a major surgery he is recovering in the hospital. Because of the extent of the surgery and the fact that the appendix had burst some time ago he will be in the hospital for the next week or so. Please hold him and his family up in prayer in this time.

Also, because of these events, our get-together will no longer be held at their home. Please check your email or your evite for the new information, or email us for details.

Pray... for provision

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's an interesting thing... God provides all our needs and yet He asks us to pray that we might receive our daily bread. Therefore, it is with a strange comfort and conviction that we present this request to those of you who hold us up in prayer.

We have received an incredible gift. God has given us a chance to be a blessing to a small community of Akha people in Thailand and at the same time to be a blessing to a (very) small community here in the States while living in Thailand. We have received a request and are convinced that God will provide the means to see it come to pass but we are asking you to pray that financial provision would come to meet this request.

We do not know what form this will come in, but ask that you pray that we would know that God has provided for us and that it would be very clear how we should proceed. Thank you all for holding us in your prayers.

Prayer Force Update

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

For those of you who have a prayerful heart for missions and the world, please visit the FMI prayer force page and subscribe to their email list.

Most recently from FMI, we have a prayer request for a city in Africa which is battling a horrible epidemic disease which has infected a large portion of their population. Prayer and medical assistance are desperately required. Read more details from the FMI prayer force page.

Please also pray for Lori and I during our stateside travel. Pray that our schedules would come together easily and that our stress levels would remain low. Pray especially for Lori as she is feeling especially drained at this time, and for personnal descisions that will need to be made on this trip.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and partnership.