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Prayer and Praise Notes

Prayer requests and praise reports Paul and Lori

Thank you for taking the time to view our Prayer Blogs. On these pages you can read all about Paul and Lori's Prayer Requests and Praise Reports from Paul and Lori Vernon, two missionaries who are living in Northern Thailand and working with the Akha Hilltribe.

Feel free to explore the rest of The Vernon Journal to view our bios, photo galleries, newsletters and a little information on the Akha. Now... on to the posts!

Work Permits, Visas and other Necessary Things

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hurry up and wait. We say that to one another all the time. Also: "How can we be so busy and get nothing done?" Well, we passed a major hurdle this morning (thanks to our wonderful friend, Bu-Zi), receiving preliminary approval on our Work Permits! We have only to bring in "a few more" forms and the major stage of the process will be complete.

Once our work permit is complete, we will need to apply for a new visa. Last year, we had to travel to Myanmar every three months to check in with the passport authority of Thailand. From what we understand, under the work permit and new visa all we will have to do is mail in a letter stating our location and what we are doing. We also will be able to renew or Work Permits and Visas in country, which will save us significant expense.

Please pray that this process would continue to go smoothly. We are still waiting to see when we will go up to the village. Once all the red tape is taken care of we will probably go to Chiang Mai to pick up A-Ju and all go back to the village together. Thanks for your prayers!

Pray for the Akha of Doi Mae Salong

This prayer request is for the health of the Akha churches in Doi Mae Salong. Specifically pray for the villages in our area. They are experiencing growing pains, internal struggles and spiritual attack. Pray for protection and for wisdom in leadership.

We especially would like to request prayer for the church pastors. Pray that they would be unified and that they would seek to serve their people. Pray that they would be granted wisdom and compassion beyond their years.

Please pray for us as well, that we might have grace and insight into this situation and that our actions be appropriate to our roles.

Prayer Force Update : Epidemic

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This update is from the Prayer Force page of the FMI website. Please continue to pray for the region and for the affected Foursquare staff:

An update has just been received regarding the Chikungunya epidemic...

This epidemic, spread when an infected mosquito bites a suspect, now claimed 93 lives. When previously reported only 30,000 inhabitants had been infected. This number has now increased to approximately 186,000 inhabitants, including two field staff. Please continue to pray that:

1. God would completely heal those infected by the disease,

2. That the troops deployed would successfully find and spray each and every breeding area in the nation,

3. The medicine currently in research stage would be developed quickly and provide some cure.

Thank you for praying,

Mike Larkin
V.P. Global Operations and Director of Missions

Pray for Thailand

Please pray for the government, leadership and citizens of Thailand. For some time now there has been controversy over Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's buisiness and political decisions. Currently, there are protests and riots being held throughout Bangkok.

We are not concerned about our safety or our travel plans as we prepare to return to Thailand, and honestly don't know enough about the whole situation (or the cultures behind this situation) to make educated political statements; but we hope you will join us as we pray the following:
  • Pray that all of these business and political issues would be made clear and that Thailand would be led by men of integrity
  • Pray that (whatever the outcome of this upheaval) the government of Thailand would rightly judge, justly rule, and care for all of those who call Thailand their home.
  • Pray for the people of Thailand. Pray that the Lord would touch the eyes of Bangkok and all of Thailand that they might see the glory He has prepared for them.
Thank you for joining us in praying for Thailand. We know that our prayer requests are heard as share them with you, and made powerful as we bring them to our God.